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How To Find The Best Products To Sell For Your Ecommerce Store Online

The other day I was watching a lady on IG venture into places like The Dollar Tree – Dollar General – whatever and snap up banal items and turn them into BEAUTY-FULL creations to upsell on, original creations mind you (I mentioned that cause what was being advertised was total bullshit).

The bullshit came with it being made out that this former homeless lady (like me) was making a milly selling her products online. It was bullshit cause while the video description said she made a milly (a million) per month, the vid itself stated $300k then, when you do the math, you got $32k (somewhere more ACCURATELY in that neighborhood)!

That said, another piece of bullshit that came with the video was that she was claiming that she did it through some software called AMZScout which touts that it works in conjunction with Amazon sellers program (which is $39.99 per month so you can sell on their platform) to allow you to see what is selling the most and what is not.

You don’t need that shit!

You got free sites like this right here:

Where you can go and find that information.

There’s a bunch of em but I forgot the sites they are on!

That said, I will tell you how to find them, the winning products.

Common sense.

I push the Playstation 5 cause I know it will sell. I got the contact to wholesellers who can sell to me so that I can ship em off to the buyer once it sells.

It was widely touted on media, social media when it came out. If you are in the biz of dropshipping it is really not a hard product to access.

And, another thing:

I push the JBL waterproof bluetooth speakers cause – just from empirical observation – I have seen just from walking around a bevy of folks walking around with speakers, with JBL being the most wanted yet elusive brand.

Walk around and WATCH what folks got! That’s how you find the winning ticket items to sell!

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